October 9, 2023

What is DAC7 and Why increase verification?

Johann Rozario

We understand that being asked to provide additional information can sometimes be inconvenient.

However, we want to assure you that this requirement is not only for the benefit of enhanced security but also a legal necessity.

In light of the new DAC7 legislation in the EU, platforms are obligated to verify the tax credentials and ID of all their customers.

What is DAC7?

The DAC7 (Directive on Administrative Cooperation) is a new legislation introduced by the European Union to enhance transparency and fairness in taxation. It mandates digital platforms to report the income earned by sellers on their platforms to tax authorities. This is aimed at reducing tax evasion and ensuring everyone pays their fair share of taxes.

Why is Your Verification Necessary?


By verifying your tax credentials and ID, we ensure transparency in all transactions. This process helps in creating a fair marketplace where all sellers are accountable for their income and tax obligations.


The verification process enhances the security of our platform. By confirming the identity of all our sellers, we are taking a step further to eliminate fraud and ensure that every transaction is secure.

Legal Compliance:

As a responsible business, we are committed to adhering to all legal requirements. The DAC7 legislation requires us to verify and report the income of our sellers to ensure compliance with tax laws.

The Verification Process

We have streamlined our verification process to make it as straightforward and hassle-free as possible. You will be required to provide certain documents to verify your identity and tax credentials. Rest assured, your personal information will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and security.

Your Cooperation is Valued

We understand that this may be an additional step, but we assure you that it is a crucial one. Your cooperation in this verification process not only helps us comply with the new DAC7 legislation but also contributes to a fairer and more transparent marketplace for all.

How can you manage your verification?

You can securely complete & manage your verification at your own verification profile hub


We are here to support you through this process. If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team via support@supplied.eu.

You can securely access your verification

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Adapting to new regulations like DAC7 is a joint effort that involves both the platform and its valued customers. We are committed to making this transition as smooth as possible for you and are always here to assist you at every step. Thank you for your continued trust and partnership.

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