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The answers to the most frequently asked questions.

What is Supplied?

With Supplied you can manage your onboarding and compliance of partners in one platform.

Use our KYC & KYB related services to instantly verify individuals and businesses. And use our drag and drop builder to create the right onboarding flow for your business.

We specialise in mass onboarding for platforms and helping you to be compliant with DAC7.

Is Supplied for Me?

We help you with building onboarding and compliance flows. Specialised in marketplace & digital platforms, but not exclusive too, as we also help with compliance and anti-fraud tasks for fintech, transportation, trading or any other regulated and non-regulated entities.

The unique differentiation is that we integrate automated, instant KYB/KYC solutions in a custom drag & drop flow builder, which maximises the conversion and compliance of your users/partners within your requirements. While decreasing Operational OPEX costs.

What is a KYC & KYB solution?

A KYC (Know Your Customer) or KYB (Know Your Business) solution is used to verify the identity of individuals and businesses. It is often used by financial industries, such as banks, and mobility industries, such as micro-mobility. And will become a requirement for all platforms under DAC7 as well.

It helps prevent fraud, money laundering and on top of that it will allow you to maintain local or global compliance.

How does KYC or KYB work?

KYC typically involves collecting and verifying personal information about an individual, such as their name, address, date of birth, and government-issued identification. This information is then cross-checked against various databases and other sources to confirm that the individual is who they claim to be.

KYB is similar but focused on businesses. It involves collecting information about a company, such as its name, address, tax identification number and the identities of its beneficial owners.

Why is KYC/KYB relevant for me as a platform with DAC7?

To comply with DAC7, digital platforms will need to collect and verify the identities of their users, including their tax identification numbers. And report this information to tax authorities in the EU. A process similar to 1099 in the US.

Without effective KYC or KYB processes in place, a digital platform would not be able to reliably identify their users and collect the necessary tax information. Risking severe penalties of up to €1m per country, reputational damage or even receive a cease to operate in the respective country.

Can I use Supplied for DAC7 Reporting?

Yes! Supplied has an easy to use .csv to .XML converter tool that allows you to generate a DAC7 compliant .XML file.

If desired, Supplied can generate and submit the .XML file directly to the applicable tax authority via an end-to-end solution.

Can I use Supplied for DAC7 Reporting?

Yes! Supplied has an easy to use .csv to .XML converter tool that allows you to generate a DAC7 compliant .XML file.

If desired, Supplied can generate and submit the .XML file directly to the applicable tax authority via an end-to-end solution.

How can I receive verification results?

The results are reported in the form of a verification status, with explanatory comments. All the user data is stored in our user management platform, so your (compliance) team members and support always can check it directly. In the case of additional investigation being needed, you can review user profiles and complete unverified or incomplete actions. This information can also be received via webhooks or through API.

Send us a message above to learn more about the user review process.

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